ইংরাজী কবিতা - দূর্বা মিত্র



It might be pre-dawn moments—
It might very well be busy afternoon!

It might be some stolen shut eye---
It might very well be deep slumber!

It happens every time everywhere—
You touch my brows, just before I open my eyes!

I remember very well like last time---
I have made sure to lock all the doors!

All the cupboards, lockers and windows---
I hardly forget to open and close!

Sheer emptiness, nothing more—nothing less---
Over and over again, I check and recheck!
Nobody is there – not even you---
It’s a suffering—Empty Nest Syndrome!

I used to pine for freedom---
I wanted to break down the barriers!

Trying and erring so many times---
Providence had opened a window!

You had fainted in the office---
And diagnosed with low blood pressure!

There were lots of medicines---
To boost up the pressure and bring in the sleep!

I had grabbed that window---
With outstretched arms---to attain the freedom!

It had taken me a whole day---
To mix and match the exact amount of the potion!

With all my patience and courage---
Fed it to you with soup and juice!

Doctors were sure and certain---
Certified it as natural death!

My ecstasy was without bound---
My freedom was full and final!

Never had I a moment to enjoy it---
You keep on touching my brows!

Inside every locked room---
You keep coming—just before I open my eyes!    

1 মতামত: